Our services
- East of England Community Forensic CAMHS
- Darwin Nurseries
- Phoenix centre
- Occupational therapy - Children
- Community Paediatrics
- Speech and Language Therapy Service- Children
- Primary care mental health team
- Physiotherapy Service- Children
- Psychology Service- Children
- Cambridge Centre for Paediatric Neuropsychological Rehabilit
- Darwin Centre
- NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Talking Therapies
- Adult eating disorder services
- The Croft Child and Family Unit
Join us
- Latest vacancies
- Temporary staffing
- Apprenticeships
- Accommodation
- Contact us
- Meet Our Staff
- Featured Recruitment
- Children's, Young People's and Families Services
- Older People Adult and Community
- Adults Specialist Mental Health
- Adult in-patient wards
- Cambridge Adult Locality Team
- Home First
- Healthcare Support Workers
- Return to Practice
Get involved
For professionals
- GPs, primary care & health professionals
- Local Authority
- Medicines and pharmacy
- CPFT Academy
- Staff Mental Health Service
- Staff Support Hub
- HAY Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
- East of England, NHS Specialist Mental Health, Learning Disability and Autism Provider Collaborative
- Mental Health Learning Disabilities and Autism ABU
- Mental Health Community Transformation
- Mental Health, Learning Disabilities and Autism In-Patient Quality Transformation
- Trauma Informed System
- 16-25 Mental Health offer
- Neurodiversity including Autism Strategy
- Learning Disabilities Improvement plan
- Partnerships for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS)
- Mental Health Housing Integration
- Mental Health Crisis
- Older peoples Mental Health & Dementia
- VCSE (Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise) Influence and Partnership
About us
- Board of Directors
- Council of Governors
- Patient resources
- Post-Covid Syndrome resources
- Service leaflets
- Children and young people service leaflets
- East of England Community Forensic CAMHS: Information for children and young people
- East of England Community Forensic CAMHS: Information for families and carers
- East of England Community Forensic CAMHS Information for professionals
- Home Treatment Team (CAMHS) - patient leaflet
- Home Treatment Team (CAMHS) - professionals leaflet
- Adult and specialist services leaflets
- Older people's leaflets
- Children and young people service leaflets
- Insight into series
- Long-term conditions leaflets
- Self-harm
- Duty of Candour
- Shared decision-making
- Taking care of your information
- Smoke-free and fire safety
- Cambridge Children's Hospital
- Corporate Information
- Covid information
- Quality and Safety
- Glossary
Head to Toe Charity
Help in a crisis