Shaping our future
Welcome to our three-year strategy
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust has published its three-year strategy. If you are not familiar with what our Trust does and what services we offer, check out our short video below to give you a snapshot of what our amazing staff do. We hope you enjoy it.
You can access the rest of the strategy using the drop-down menus down the page. Alternatively, you can download pdf versions of the strategy below.
Enjoy our video...
With you for the journey: CPFT 2023 (
Message from the board of CPFT
In the last two years we have seen the health and social care sector nationally and locally, subjected to extreme challenges as a result of the pandemic.
As we now emerge and look ahead to a future living with covid, we recognise that we need to adapt and change how we work to deliver best care through collaboration with other partners in the region and local system and ensuring that we listen and respond to what our patients, carers and their families tell us they need from our services to receive the best outcomes.
We will work as part of the team in the local system to explore opportunities for how we can improve the delivery of care closer to home, joining up resources and pathways, while seeking to maximise efficiencies and improve overall productivity. We will also concentrate our efforts to restore services fully and address the waiting lists compounded by the pandemic to ensure we provide timely access to care.
We will continue to foster a culture that empowers our staff and peers in the system to seek and adopt new innovation and implement our planned transformation and improvement programmes to deliver best care. We will champion and drive developments in pioneering studies, maintaining our excellent achievement as one of the top Mental Health Trusts in research.
Our staff remain the cornerstone of everything we do, and it is through them the Trust is able to succeed and deliver our strategy. They have demonstrated overwhelming resilience to continue to deliver services against such adversity and ensuring we continue to support their health and wellbeing remains our priority, providing a variety of resources at their disposal.
We will also seek to improve stability in our workforce by increasing recruitment and retention through learning opportunities, the creation of new roles and ways of working to enable our staff to achieve their full potential.
Please use the drop-down menus below to view our strategy in full. We look forward to hearing your feedback.
* You can download a printable version of our strategy here: CPFT Strategy final 2023-26.pdf 6MB
A one-page summary version is available to download here: CPFT Strategy 2023-26 one page pdf 137KB
An accessible version of the strategy is available to download here: CPFT Strategy 2023-26 accessible version.pdf 186KB
We can see in all our services and across the wider health and care system that things are changing. Our refreshed strategy will enable us to address these changes and to meet the ambitions of the NHS Long-Term Plan, NHS People Plan and aligns with the Integrated Care System Plan.
Why refresh it?
- Changes in the demography of our population, requiring early intervention and joined-up care closer to home.
- There are significant differences in life expectency and quality of life across different parts of our system.
- Attracting and retaining the right workforce is one of the biggest challenges locally and nationally in the NHS.
- There are growing opportunities to collaborate across our local health system and regionally to improve care pathways.
- We can be more effective and efficient in how we deliver services through embracing technology and innovation.
- Current challenges around the cost-of-living/energy crisis
Shaping our strategy
During the past 12 months, we have undertaken extensive internal and external consultation to help inform the development of our Trust Strategy within the context of our changing system landscape.
Our internal engagement included service teams, directorate leads, wider leadership team, executive team, non-executives, and governors. The Trust also invited NHS Elect to engage with local stakeholders to gain a deep understanding of the views of partners across our local health system, to explore their perspective on CPFT and its future place in the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Care System.
The many contributions from these consultations have directly informed and shaped our strategic direction and priorities. The themes of feedback highlighted the Trust should:
- Excel to become a leader of mental health provision, innovation, and research
- Drive innovation in joining up community care delivery to meet local need
- Give a real focus on prevention in delivering specialist children's and young people’s physical and mental health care and build upon our excellent partnership working to deliver improved physical and mental health care for children and young people
- Together with system partners improve care and outcomes for people with learning disabilities.
Our strategy has embraced the views of trust members and the public, as represented by the Council of Governors at their quarterly meetings and development sessions, and at informal discussions. The key issues that have been fed back to us are waiting lists, both for assessment and treatment; access to appropriate services wherever you live in the county; staffing levels; funding, especially for mental health; patient and carer involvement; the relationship between primary care and specialist services like ours; and the overall quality of services.
These have been addressed throughout the strategy and for each of the priorities what success will look like for patients and carers has been identified.
As we set out our strategy for the next three years, we will align our focus on four priorities to deliver high-quality integrated care and to support our staff wellbeing.
Working in partnership to deliver best care
People at the heart of everything we do
A system leader in innovation and research
Making the best use of resources
Priority 1: Working in partnership to deliver best care
Be an active member of the system Integrated Care Board and working with partners we will improve how we can provide excellent health and social care, outcomes and the best experience for our patients, carers, and staff.
How will we do this?
We will:
- Develop our services with system partners and accountable business units to ensure they deliver the best health and social care, that wrap around people’s needs and provide place-based care.
- Strengthen relationships with primary care, voluntary and third sector partners in support of service transformation.
- Develop and implement our clinical and professional strategy in alignment with the system clinical strategy.
- Ensure that all service users have equal access and equally good experience of our services focussing on key health inequalities.
- Support the development and delivery of our Integrated Care System priority preventative programmes to help address inequalities.
- Ensure co-production and engagement with our patients and their families is at the centre of everything we do.
- As the host organisation, lead the strategic development of the Mental Health, Learning Disabilities and Autism Collaborative on behalf of the local system.
What will success look like?
Patients and carers:
- Will have improved health outcomes.
- Will have positive experiences of our services, which will be provided as close to home as possible.
- Be involved in co-production to guide how services are delivered.
Expertise will be utilised to inform and shape redesign and improvement of care pathways in collaboration with delivery partners.
Our ambition by 2025 is to:
- Reduce inequalities in access to services Improve outcomes and experience of those who use our services
- Provide ‘outstanding’ care across all services
- Achieve 2024-25 national ambitions aligned to the Long-Term Plan.
CPFT will be amongst the best employers in health and care. We will attract and retain a high-quality and diverse workforce; develop a culture of compassion and inclusion; provide opportunities to work across the system; help staff to develop, grow and support their wellbeing.
How will we do this?
We will:
- Ensure all our staff understand and live our Trust values and develop our restorative, just and learning culture.
- Create stability in our workforce by increasing recruitment and retention through learning opportunities, the creation of new roles and ways of working.
- Promote the health and well-being of staff.
- We will be a flexible, diverse, and inclusive employer.
- Ensure our workforce have the data, knowledge, tools, and technology they need.
- Collaborate with partners in the system and region to create new opportunities.
- Continue to recognise and reward our talented and dedicated workforce.
- Strengthen opportunities for how we communicate and engage with our workforce.
- Build leadership capability to drive the integration agenda for Mental Health, Learning Disabilities and Autism across the system.
- Continue to recognise our volunteers are an integral part of our staff and workforce.
- Embed Heart and Soul into our organisation for the benefit of staff, patients, and their families and carers.
What will success look like?
Patients and carers:
Happy, healthy and appreciated staff provide better care for patients and carers.
- Will feel valued, have career opportunities, offered new ways of working and develop new skills to achieve their full potential.
- Will have access to a variety of resources to support their health and wellbeing.
Our ambition by 2025 is to:
- Reduce turnover to <10% and vacancy rates to be <7.5%.
- Achieve 75% of staff recommending the Trust.
- Increase nursing and AHP apprenticeships to achieve the national public sector apprenticeship target (2.3% of workforce) and exceed it by a further 1.75%.
- Increase the diversity of our senior workforce aligned to race disparity ratio measures.
We will continue the Trust’s commitment to drive developments in pioneering research and embrace the ethos of quality improvement in all that we do.
How will we do this?
We will:
- Use national and international best practice to drive translation of research into practice.
- Embed research within clinical services to ensure delivery of evidence-based practice and that research is focused on clinical priorities and gaps.
- Champion and increase participation in research studies to improve care and treatment for the local population. In particular, we aim to ensure participation of the vulnerable groups that have historically been under represented.
- Maintain our performance as one of the top three Trusts for mental health research nationally and strive to increase the amount of community health research we undertake.
- Build on clinical and research excellence to be at the forefront of new treatments and approaches to health.
- Continue to promote and implement our ‘Improving Together’ strategic programme to support and empower our staff, volunteers, patients, and carers to make improvements to how we deliver services.
What will success look like?
Patients and carers
- Will receive services and care based upon the latest research and best practice guidance
- Will be involved in identifying priorities for research activity.
- Will feel supported to make changes and improvements for the benefit of those we care for
- Will have more opportunities to access research activities at all levels and within all professions
- Will be supported to carry out research and link with a wide range of higher education institutes.
Our ambition by 2025 is to:
- Open a hub of the Windsor Research Unit in the north of the county to focus on under-served populations
- Have a robust and ambitious research infrastructure and strategy.
We will maximise opportunities to ensure all our resources are effectively and efficiently utilised to achieve sustainable high-quality care for our local population.
How will we do this?
We will:
- Have the right resources to deliver the right health and care services for our communities.
- Support system-wide long-term financial sustainability.
- Improve productivity whilst maintaining quality and coverage.
- Deliver our best value improvement programmes in full.
- Capitalise on new ways of working introduced and expanded during the pandemic.
- Reduce the Trust’s carbon footprint and support delivery of the system Green Plan.
- Explore opportunities with Cambridge University Health Partners to collaborate on national and international commercial opportunities.
- Work with voluntary, community and social enterprise partners across the system to identify opportunities to maximise their contribution to deliver services across a range of care pathways.
- Proactively work with our Head to Toe Charity to identify funding opportunities to support services.
- Ensure we maximise the opportunities available for our volunteer workforce.
What will success look like?
Patients and carers: Will receive services that offer real value and are sustainable in the long term.
Staff: Will be involved in designing and delivering programmes that support efficiencies and best value.
Our ambition by 2025 is to:
- Maintain a sustainable financial position whilst supporting system financial improvement
- Progress towards delivering the NHS net zero national ambition
- Improve efficiency and productivity through technology, connecting our Trust to our health and care partners to support integrated care
- Develop an agreed commercial offer with CUHP for business opportunities.
Our enabling strategies
These enabling and supporting strategies will be developed and implemented during the next three years. These will collectively underpin the delivery of our CPFT Strategy and support our continued partnership
working across the local system and the east of England.
- People and culture
- Nursing and Allied Health Professionals
- Estates and green NHS
- Health inequalities
- Clinical and professional
- Research and development
- Patient and carer involvement
- Equality, diversity and inclusion
- Improving together
- Quality improvement
- Communications and engagement, and Head to Toe Charity
- System Integrated Care Strategy
- Digital and data
- Volunteers
- Heart and Soul
Monitoring implementation and delivery of the strategy
Our 2023-2026 Trust Strategy outlines our clear and ambitious vision for the next three years, shaping our future as part of the local Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Care System.
Strengthening our delivery is our commitment to continue to work with key partners both locally and regionally, as moving forward together will enable us to do more, faster, and more efficiently, to directly benefit patient care and improve outcomes.
Our progress will be monitored through our governance, performance management, and improvement framework with oversight at Board sub-committee and ultimately the Board of Directors.
Delivery of this strategy will occur through the adoption of the strategic aims across the organisation over the next three years, with associated agreed key measures, deliverables, and outcomes.
The four strategic aims will be translated into agreed directorate and service goals which each directorate will contribute towards delivering through the Trust's annual business planning process.