Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Community Eating Disorder Service
About us
We are a multi-disciplinary team providing support for adults with moderate to severe eating disorder in the community. We offer assessment and treatment for those with anorexia nervosa (including atypical), bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder and Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorders (OSFED) presentations.
We provide a range of evidence-based treatments and are recovery focused in our approach. The initial appointment with the team will be an opportunity for you to tell us the challenges you are currently facing in terms of your eating and a little about yourself. Assessments typically take around 60 minutes. After the assessment, we will then discuss with the team and then yourself on the outcome and whether as a service, we are the most appropriate team to support you at this time. From here, a treatment plan will be made.
If you progress onto one of our treatment pathways, you will be put on one of our waitlists and contacted when a space becomes available for you to begin treatment. We do offer some support whilst on the waitlist including the Keeping Safe Programme which you can find the link to HERE.
Our service
The Cambridge Adult Eating Disorder Outpatient team offers a high standard of person-centred treatment utilising a number of different psychological models.
Utilising the array of professionals from different disciplines in the team, our service provides a stepped model of care focusing on recovery from both an emotional and physical perspective.
Outlined below are a number of the different support pathways within the service as well as some materials on how to keep yourself safe whilst waiting for treatment.
Keeping Safe Programme
The Keeping Safe Programme (KSP) is the first step in your treatment with our Adult Eating Disorder Service. It has been co-developed with people with lived experience, to provide information to help you begin to make sense of your difficulties and to encourage you to take steps to minimise any potentially harmful effects caused by your eating disorder whilst you are waiting for treatment.
Formulation Based Health Assessments
In some cases, we offer health assessments to identify specific risks that can come with having an eating disorder. This is done whilst considering a patient’s psychological formulation. This is a more individualised approach that moves away from protocol driven medical monitoring.
Some patients may not require health assessments during their time with our service and some may receive these within their own GP surgery. Recommendations will be made at the time of assessment and regularly reviewed by clinicians within an MDT, taking patient centred factors into account. It is not considered a treatment pathway and therefore happens alongside treatment.
FREED (First Episode Rapid Early Intervention for Eating Disorders) is an innovative, evidence-based service designed to provide timely support and treatment for individuals who have developed an eating disorder within the past three years.
This early intervention model can make a significant difference, helping individuals start their journey to recovery sooner, with better and lasting outcomes.
It is designed for young adults (typically aged 16-25) who have experienced an eating disorder for less than three years. If you or someone you care about is in the early stages of an eating disorder, this programme can be a vital step towards recovery before behaviours become deeply established.
- Early Intervention Makes a Difference: We understand that the sooner help is provided, the better the chances of full recovery. Our mission is to ensure you or your loved one doesn’t have to face long waits to receive the support you need.
- Personalised, Compassionate Care: At FREED, we see you as an individual, not just a patient. Our approach is tailored to your specific needs, focusing on your physical health and mental wellbeing.
- Quick Access to Support: We know how important it is to feel supported from the start. FREED prioritises rapid access to care so you can begin your recovery journey as soon as possible.
What can I expect?
- Rapid Assessment: Our team will conduct a thorough yet understanding assessment to learn about your situation and ensure you feel heard and supported.
- Care Plans: From the initial assessment, we will work with you to create a care plan that fits your unique needs. This may include therapy, family support, medical guidance, and more.
- Continuous, Caring Support: Recovery is a journey, and we walk it with you. FREED provides ongoing support through regular check-ins and adaptable treatment options, ensuring you have the guidance needed to stay on track.
If you or someone you love could benefit from FREED, don’t hesitate to reach out. Referrals to the FREED programme can come from GPs, healthcare professionals and college nurses. If you’re unsure about the referral process, our team is here to help answer any questions you might have.
Psychological therapy
We offer all of the NICE recommended psychological treatments for adults with eating disorders. Most individuals are offered group treatment, provided in a hybrid, face to face or virtual format.
For anorexia nervosa
MANTRA (The Maudsley Model of Treatment for Adults with Anorexia)
For bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy based group
Other therapies are considered according to an individual’s needs.