Heart and Soul
Spiritual Wellbeing and Pastoral Care Service
Being human together 
We are a community of CPFT Heart and Soul volunteers, specialist NHS Chaplains and peerworkers and this is what we offer:
- A focus on the little things we can do together that can help make the unbearable bearable
- Calm and safe spaces to be
- Meeting individually and in groups to share and explore life and our part in it
- The healing benefits of 'being human together' in a kind, accepting, gentle way
- Someone to explore and affirm your spirituality with
- A chance to join others exploring life's meaning and the values we share, whatever our individual beliefs
- Someone to talk to in confidence if you're struggling in your healthcare role or role as a carer
- Specialists in religious practice, care and understanding
- A way into volunteering
Someone to call, someone who will listen
We have a group of experienced, trained CPFT Heart and Soul volunteers who listen without judging. We recognised how it helped to have someone to talk to who would accept us just as we were, and now we want to offer the same to you.
Someone to explore your values and beliefs with
Whatever you believe in, hope for, or put your faith in, we have specialist NHS chaplains, peer workers and others who can be a companion on your journey. To contact us e-mail heartandsoulteam@cpft.nhs.uk
Somewhere to belong to and to meet others
Heart and Soul hosts groups online and face to face, from coffee club to Sunday reflections in Chapel, to Zoom friendship groups for gentle conversation and mutual support, or discussion about the things that matter to you, online.
Somewhere to learn and grow
Please click here to go to Heart and Soul's YouTube channel
Further Information
Heart and Soul Strategy 2024-26
Heart and Soul strategy 2019-24
Call John Nicholson, CPFT Heart and Soul Chaplain, on 07974 260074 or e-mail john.nicholson@cpft.nhs.uk
What we do
What we do
- Zoom friendship groups for gentle conversation and mutual support between peers
- Zoom friendship group for carers
- Zoom Sunday reflection in words, pictures and music
- Zoom fortnightly discussion group on the world of faith and belief
- Individual befriending support given by volunteers with lived experience and/or who are trained in mental health matters
In person
- Home, community and hospital visits on request and as arranged with and through Heart and Soul Chaplains
- Individual befriending from a trained volunteer
- Wednesday Coffee Clubs in Peterborough and Cambridge for gentle conversation, company and mutual support
- Sunday morning reflection with words and music in Chapel each week in Cambridge
- Sunday ward singing at The Cavell, from 1.30pm the first Sunday of each month
- Coffee friendship group at The Edge Cafe each Tuesday at 2pm: open to anyone who feels the need of it
- Personal, pastorally supportive listening for colleagues
- Personal, pastorally supportive reflective practice and/or debriefing sessions for teams and community partners
- Organising and hosting learning and networking meetings with community partners
- Bereavement support groups