
Here you will find a number of CPFT publications, including annual reports.

Annual reports
For the latest copy of our annual report please click on the document under 'Further information' at the bottom of the page. For previous copies please e-mail

Disciplinary policy
To view the Trust's Disciplinary Policy, click the following link: Disciplinary Policy

Mental Health Community Service User Survey
Please see below under 'Further Information' for the Quality Health 2020 Summary which provides details of our Mental Health Community Service User Survey.

Action plan in response to publication of Niche independent investigation into the care and treatment of Mr D - 190122
Action-plan-in-response-to-publication-of-Niche-independent-investigation-into-the-care-and-treatment-of-Mr-D---190122.pdf [pdf] 88KB

Continuation of service of NHS provider licence
Please find a copy of our NHS Provider Licence attached below under 'Further Information.'

Estates Strategy
Please see below under 'Further Information' for our five-year estates strategy.  


Pictured is a staff member with a headset answering a telephone call

As a patient, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Patient Advice and Liaison service  Contact the Trust