Darwin Centre
Our aim
We are committed to creating a culture of safety, kindness and compassion. We will walk alongside each other, learning and sharing our experiences to support each young person’s recovery.
We aim to provide a high-quality, multi-disciplinary mental health service for young people experiencing severe emotional and/or mental health difficulties. We believe that young people struggling with severe mental illness cope better living in a family environment where possible, and so we work hard to ensure the inpatient segment of your recovery process is as short and as effective as possible.
We offer a holistic (consider the bigger picture) approach to the needs of the young people and their family, and work in close partnership with parents and/or carers. We aim to offer a variety of activities that make up the weekly programme, which we expect all young people to take part in (the weekly timetable is included in this pack). You are given opportunities to work both individually and as part of a group.
We pride ourselves on our ability to work closely and effectively with external children’s agencies and education in order to ensure that the needs of the young person are met both whilst in our care and after discharge.
My Illness film
In January 2020, young people at The Darwin Centre produced a film called "My Illness". The project was one of a series of funded theatre and film-making projects that support young people with complex needs to make their own films. This specific project was funded through BBC Children in Need and Cambridgeshire Community Foundation. You can view our film on You Tube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pF7g77dX-04
The project sought to boost academic achievement, soft skills and access to the arts. The group worked with a professional film-maker and theatre-maker to tell their stories through the medium of film. Workshops introduced the young people to the process of creating a story, writing dialogue, making story boards and filming and editing techniques. They aimed to support the development of imagination, creative writing, speech and communication, team work and leadership skills, and foster inclusion, confidence and self-esteem for young people who are often marginalised due to their needs.
We hope that you find the film helpful. We are very proud of it.