Referral information and resources

CPFT provides a wide range of services including integrated physical and mental health services for adults and older people; specialist mental health and learning disability services; children and young people’s mental health services and children’s community services (in Peterborough). Information on CPFT services can be found by following this link.

To refer

For information on how to refer to these services please click on the links below.

For SystmOne practices: please go the GP portal on SystmOne to refer.
For EMIS practices: please use the referral forms listed below to refer.

All older people’s mental health referrals should be made via eRS. Please call 01480 420178 or e-mail if you have any queries.

Out-of-hours emergency support

Out-of-hours you can contact the First Response Service by calling 111 and selecting option 2 for urgent mental health assessment and support. The 111 service is also open to patients by self-referral. For more information please follow this link.

Other referrals

For children's services

To make a referral to our child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS), please see CAMHS section on this page.

Liaison psychiatry services

Liaison psychiatry accepts referrals only from the acute trusts where the teams are based (ie, GPs cannot make referral directly into this service).

Learning disability services

See the individual specialist services for contact details for referrals.


Further information

Urgent / crisis referrals

Call 01480 0757 365

Patients can also self refer by calling 111 and select option 2. The First Response Service is available 24/7 for people in mental health crisis. Trained staff with clinical supervision respond to the calls and can direct patients to advice, face-to-face assessment or Sanctuary crisis support provided by CPSL Mind.

Routine referral

For patients aged 17-65 please liaise with your  PRISM team and complete a request for service form and send via NHS e-Referral or agree requirements.

For patients aged 65+ mental health referrals should be made via eRS. Or you can call 01480 420178 or e-mail .

You can discuss a referral with a psychiatrist ahead of referring by calling 01480 415300.

Patients of all ages can also self-refer to NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Talking Therapies by calling 0300 300 0055 or by online self-referral here

Information about local mental health services can be found at

GP advice line details:

Adult eating disorders advice line

Telephone 07980 954917 Monday to Friday, 12pm-2pm, to speak to a qualified adult eating disorder specialist. This is an advice and queries line only for GP’s and practitioners who need medical advice and have queries regarding adults with eating disorders.

Please note: If you are struggling or have an eating disorder please don’t use this line since it is only intended for medical practitioners and staff. In this case we would encourage you to contact your GP.


Offender Personality Disorder Pathway (OPDP): The Fens

Please go to the team's service page here: Service detail | CPFT NHS Trust for referral information.

Peterborough Integrated Children's Community Health Services 

CPFT provide a range of children's community health services in Peterborough, that offer support, advice and health care for children, young people, carers and families. Our services include: 

  • Health visiting
  • School nursing
  • Child health administration
  • Children's community nursing
  • Child Development Centre
  • Children's Speech and Language Therapy
  • Paediatric occupational therapy
  • Paediatric physiotherapy
  • Paediatric psychology
  • Children in care
  • The Family Nurse Partnership
  • Safeguarding children team

Please click on our service directory here for detailed information on how to refer to these services.

Referring to Peterborough integrated children's health services

(This is not an emergency service)

Child Health - telephone 0300 55 5810
Address: Winchester Place, 80 Thorpe Road, Peterborough PE3 6AP

Referrals to Perinatal Service

PMHT Referral Form.docx 148KB

YOUnited offers support to children and young people aged 5 to 17 with their emotional wellbeing and mental health. There are four partners involved: Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust (CPFT), Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust (CCS), Ormiston Families and Centre 33.

Young people, up to the age of 18 years, can be referred to YOUnited, where the difficulties relate to eating concerns or seeking a neurodevelopmental assessment, please see our 'how to refer page' for further information.

For emotional wellbeing and mental health support for 17-25 year olds, please see our 'how to refer page' for further information.


YOUnited help for Neurodevelopmental diagnosis

YOUnited accepts referrals for assessment for primary school age up to 18 years.

Details of Peterborough Neurodevelopmental Pathway

Peterborough Neurodevelopmental Referral Form

Developmental History Form for Families


Essential Supporting Documentation

 - Early Help Assessment (EHA) and/or Team Around the Family (TAF) minutes (within last six months).

 - Evidence of school's Assess, Plan, Do, Review (APDR).

 - Parents/Carers to return Developmental History Form that can be downloaded Here.


Cambridgeshire, Huntingdon and Fenland
YOUnited accepts referrals for young people of secondary school age up to 18 years.

Details of Cambridgeshire, Huntingdon and Fenland Neurodevelopmental Pathway 

Cambridgeshire, Huntingdon and Feland Referral Form

Developmental History Form for Families


Essential Supporting Documentation

 - Early Help Assessment (EHA) and/or Team Around the Family (TAF) minutes (within last six months).

 - Evidence of school's Assess, Plan, Do, Review (APDR).

 - For ADHD referrals only - proof that parents/carers have engaged with an evidence-based parenting course e.g. Incredible Years or Triple P (within the last three years).

 - Parents/Carers to return Developmental History Form that can be downloaded Here.


Cambridgeshire, Huntingdon and Fenland
Please note, referrals for primary age children should be made to Cambridgeshire Community Service's community paediatricians


For more information please visit: Service detail | CPFT NHS Trust

All referrals to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) should be made to YOUnited. Please visit the YOUnited section above.

Referrals to CASUS - Cambridgeshire Child and Adolescent Substance Use Service

Crisis referrals
If a young person is in mental health crisis contact CPFT’s First Response Service by calling NHS 111 (and selecting the mental health option).

Contacting YOUnited
Clinicians and administration staff are available 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays).
Contact number and e-mail for professionals only for discussion and consultation of non-crisis referrals: 0300 3000 830 or

Keep your Head
Keep Your Head website brings together reliable information on mental health and wellbeing for children, young people and adults across CambridgeshireandPeterborough. Please follow this link.

GP updates
CPFT and the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) are working together to support and engage with primary care. This will help to improve communications, reduce duplication and improve efficiency. In this link you will find the CCG  weekly GP newsletter that is sent to all practices in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, which includes all primary-care relating information for the local system. Please follow this link.

Symptoms and conditions
See information from the Royal College of Psychiatrists

Medicines information
Medicine information
Choice and medication 

Pictured is a staff member with a headset answering a telephone call

As a patient, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Patient Advice and Liaison service  Contact the Trust