Community Paediatrics (Peterborough)

Community Paediatrics (Peterborough)

Community Paediatrics in Peterborough is an out-patient and community service provided by Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust (CPFT).

We work as part of a multi-disciplinary team to provide support to children, young people and their families within Peterborough who have a range of developmental concerns and/ or disabilities.

Important COVID-19 updates

In line with NHS England guidance around Covid transmission, we are minimising the occasions where children and young people are seen face to face both in clinic, home and educational settings. We are using safer ways to continue to provide our service and offer support, such as telephone or video consultations as the first option where we can. If your child needs to be seen face to face in clinic, we have put measures in place to make this as safe as possible for you and your child. If being seen face to face, please ensure you follow any guidance given to you carefully to keep the risks as low as possible. 

If you have any queries about your child's care, please contact us via telephone: 0300 555 5810 or email:


Who are we?

We are a multi-disciplinary team consisting of Community Paediatricians, Nurses, Specialist practitioners, Psychologists, Family support workers and Healthcare assistants. We work together to ensure that every contact counts for the children under our care.

What do we provide?

We provide assessment and support for children with the following specialist needs or conditions:

  • Developmental Assessment - We see preschool and school age children for developmental assessment when there are significant concerns regarding their development or possibility of severe disability.

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) - We provide multi-disciplinary specialist assessment along with Speech and Language Therapists (SALT), Psychologists and Occupational Therapists (OT) for preschool children.

  • Physical disability - We provide initial assessment and ongoing support along with Physiotherapists (PT), Occupational Therapists (OT) and Speech and Language Therapists (SALT).

  • Child in Care (CiC) - We conduct Initial Health Assessments and Review Health Assessments, working jointly with our specialist nursing team.

  • Sensory Impairment - We provide multi-disciplinary and multi-agency clinics for children with hearing and visual impairment, jointly with specialist teachers, Speech and Language Therapists (SALT) and Orthoptists.

  • Down Syndrome clinic - We provide developmental support for children with Down Syndrome (DS).

How do you access this service?

All families requiring the Specialist Community Paediatric service will have had an Early Help Assessment (EHA), which is a tool that any health care professional, who knows the child or young person, can help to complete. This enables the identification of the child/ young person and their family’s needs, to provide the most appropriate services for support. All referrals must come through this Early Support Pathway (pre-school children) / Early Help Pathway (school children).

Appointments are provided by the most appropriate member of our multi-disciplinary team through a combination of face-to-face clinics, telephone, virtual (through Attend Anywhere video platform) and home visits.

Clinics are held at Child Development Centre, City Care Centre, Thorpe Road, Peterborough, PE3 6DB.

Transition to adult services information

For information on services available to support young people in their transition into adult services please see the links below:

Preparing for Adulthood | PfA | Home Page

Council for Disabled Children

National Child and Maternal Health Intelligence Network Website - Knowledge hub - Transitions to adulthood (

Information for carers

A carer is anyone, including children and adults who looks after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without their support. The care they give is unpaid.

At Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust, we value the often life-long support carers provide and recognise them as equal care partners. We want to offer as much guidance and reassurance as possible, to help you in your caring role. You can find general information and support for adult carers, young carers and parent carers by following this link

Other useful services

  • Paediatric transition service - this service supports the transition of children between 11-25 years with a long-term health condition from child health services to adult health services.

  • Children's Speech and Language Therapy - see their 'toolkit' for information and advice on speech, language and communication skills.
  • Children's Psychology service (0-5) - see their 'toolkit' for information and advice on eating, sleep, play and challenging behaviour.
  • Children's Occupational Therapy - see their 'toolkit' for information and advice on co-ordination, motor, visual perceptual, sensory processing skills and activities of daily living.
  • Children's Physiotherapy - see their 'clinics and services' page for further information on the clinics they run.
  • CPFT Carer's page - see their page for information and support available for parent carers, adult carers and young carers.
Pictured is a staff member with a headset answering a telephone call

As a patient, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Patient Advice and Liaison service  Contact the Trust