Become a member
Become a member of CPFT for free today... and have your voice heard.
As a Foundation Trust, CPFT has a membership made up of members of the public, past and present service users, carers and staff. Being a member gives you the opportunity to have your say on how your health service is run. It is important to us that you have the opportunity to get involved and, most importantly, it's completely free.
What are the benefits?
- Receive CPFT newsletters and Governor updates to keep you informed of the latest projects and developments and how you can be more involved.
- Have your say and help us continuously improve our services.
- Vote for your Governors - or why not even stand for election yourself?
- Attend members’ health talks, seminars and mental health awareness training courses.
(Access to the MyTrustbenefits scheme for savings at hundreds of well-known brands and retailers for member who are, staff, Governors and volunteers who may have the Trust email address).
How do I sign up?
Signing up to our membership scheme couldn't be easier.
Write to: Trust Secretariat
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust
Elizabeth House
Fulbourn Hospital
CB21 5EF
Protecting your privacy
Important update
On 25 May 2018 data regulation changed in the UK. The Data Protection Act 1998 was replaced by the General Data Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018.
What has changed?
This meant a change in how organisations can communicate with you, process and store your personal data. As a result, we have changed our Privacy Notice. Our new version makes it even easier for you to see how we use your personal information and all the ways we collect and protect your data.
What should you do?
If you would like to find out more, then take a look at our Privacy Notice below.
- CPFT Member E-bulletin Winter 2025.pdf [pdf] 331KB
- CPFT Member E-bulletin Autumn 2024.pdf [pdf] 293KB
- CPFT Member E-bulletin Summer 2024.pdf [pdf] 256KB
- CPFT Member E-bulletin Spring 2024.pdf [pdf] 386KB
- CPFT Member E-bulletin Winter 2024.pdf [pdf] 315KB
- CPFT Member E-bulletin Summer 2023.pdf [pdf] 293KB
- CPFT Member E-bulletin Spring 2023.pdf [pdf] 190KB
- CPFT Member E-bulletin Winter 2023.pdf [pdf] 279KB
- CPFT Member E-bulletin Autumn 2022.pdf [pdf] 346KB