Children, Young People and Families Services
This page provides information about how the Children Young Peoples and Families Directorate have responded to patient and carer feedback. It will include information collated from patient and carer experience questionnaires and from closed complaints actions. Relevant case studies related to service improvement work will also included as appropriate.
Feedback from PALS and complaints (CYPF)
The feedback on this page are examples of the learning and actions identified from complaints received by the Children, young people and families services.
Team |
Issue |
Action |
Date completed |
CAMH South Core Team |
Waiting list letters are worded ambiguously and do not clearly reference that a screening process occurs nor what the outcomes of this may be. |
Redraft standard waiting list letter to clearly state that the assessment waiting list includes a screening process with the three potential outcomes of this screening. |
18/09/24 |
CAMH South Core Team |
Further clarity was requested regarding written communication. for example clear information about pathway offers within appointment letters. A clear statement at the end of a discharge letter indicating closure of episode of care. Practitioners’ role clearly identified after their full name within all relevant letters. |
The documentation with the service has been reviewed Including appointment and discharge letters. This review has been fed back to the team so that they are aware of the changes required. |
16.09.24 |
Feedback from patient and carer experience (CYPF)
The table below includes examples about how the Children, Young People and Families services are using patient and carer experience to improve services.
Date | You have told us | We have listened |
Oct 24 | Parent and parent carer support Parents and parent carers whose children are accessing Children, Young People and Families Services have rated the support that they received as a parent or parent carer lower than the other questions they are asked. This question has consistently been at around 75% compared to 85% for the other questions. |
The directorate have worked with Pinpoint and Family Voice and other parent carers to implement the Carer Friendly Tick within their teams.. In addition this has also included Centre 33 so that teams are focused on the needs of all carers including young carers. Five teams have been successfully awarded the Carer Friendly tick and more teams are currently working gaining their award. |
Oct 24 |
Car parking at the city care centre. The City Care Centre based in Peterborough has received a number of comments about how difficult the car parking was for parents and parent carers and patients trying to attend for appointments. Some of the comments received included: "Sort out the carparking at the Child Development Centre at the City Care Centre". "Improve the car parking at the City Care Centre." " The car parking is very bad at the City Care Centre" |
The Trust recognises that car parking is an important issue for people accessing clinics and also on staff. In response to this feedback, the Estates and Facilities team have identified additional car parking close by the City Care Centre. Staff are being asked to park in this car park to ensure that the car park next to the City Care Centre is available for people attending the City Care Centre. We will continue to monitor patient and carer feedback to identify if this has improved the situation for people accessing the City Care Centre. |