Patient and Carer Experience Feedback


On this page you will find examples of the outcome of feedback provided to the Trust and how it has been used to improve services. The focus of this page is on Trust wide feedback. 

If you are looking to tell us about your experience you can share your views with us here  - what’s important to you, is important to us.

Friends and Family Test

The Friends and Family Test is a question used across the NHS, that asks: 'Overall, how was your experience?'

The latest Friends and Family Test results for CPFT, can be found here


The table below lists the outcome of complaint points received by the Trust from July to September 2024. Examples of the learning from complaints can be found on the service specific pages.   

The outcome of complaint points received by the Trust July to September 2024
  Adult Specialist Mental Health services 

Children, Young People and Families  services

Older Peoples and Adult Community services  Corporate  Total
Complaint withdrawn 5 0 2 0 7
Not upheld  9 5 4 0 18
Partially upheld 7 5 7 0 19
Undetermined 2 0 1 0 3
Upheld 1 0 1 1 3
Total  24 10 15 1 50


Community Mental Health Survey 2023

The community mental health survey is a national survey which is completed yearly. The Trust results on this survey are compared against the national results. The national results can be found here

The results of this survey are based on a total of 261 responses which is a response rate of 22%. 

The areas where service user experience was best were: 

Medication benefits of medication being discussed with service users and the purpose of medication being discussed with service users
Support in other areas of your life service users being given help or advice with finding support for finding or keeping work and service users being given help or advice with finding support for the cost of living
Respect, dignity and compassion
service users being treated with respect and dignity by  NHS mental health services

The areas where service user experience could improve: 

Planning care
service users having a care plan
Support while waiting
service users offered appropriate support while waiting
NHS mental health team checking how service users are getting on with medication
Mental health team
Staff delivered help needed and service users being given enough time to discuss their needs and treatment


Following reviewing the results the clinical services have agreed that their focus will be on two areas:

  • Do you have a care plan?
  • In the last 12 months has your NHS mental health team asked you how you are getting on with your medication?

The work taking place around this will focus on the implementation of dialog +, and further information can be found here . This is a large piece of work and progress and updates will be provided on this page. 

Pictured is a staff member with a headset answering a telephone call

As a patient, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Patient Advice and Liaison service  Contact the Trust