Information frequently requested through FOI

Agency / bank spend

Monthly spend on agency and bank staff:   Bank-Agency-Information-31.03.24.xlsx [xlsx] 36KB  . This spreadsheet will be updated quarterly.

Use of  off-framework agencies

The Trust does not use off-framework agencies.

Car parking

The Trust does not charge for parking on its owned sites. Some staff are based or visit sites that are owned and operated by other Trusts. Parking charges for these sites are at the discretion of the owning Trusts. Staff are able to claim charges that are eligible within the expenses policy.


Number of Covid deaths:

The total number of Covid deaths at CPFT is available for you to access from the NHS England website, which publishes information on all CoVid-19 deaths in NHS England Trusts. The file may be found at Look under the heading 'Data' and there is a downloadable file called COVID 19 total announced deaths followed by the date of the most recent figures. This file is updated daily.

Causes of death

The Trust does not hold mortality data - for example, whether a patient died solely of Covid. Mortality data is held by NHS Digital, who may be reached at

PCR testing

The Trust does not undertake any PCR testing.

Hard and soft facilities management

Hard and Soft FM Service Contracts 

Hard and Soft FM Contracts





Description of services


Contract start date


Contract End Date


Duration of the contract


Number of sites covered


Office and building cleaning




cleaning service and consumables






5 core years +5 x 1-year extn




Lift maintenance




lift maintenance and loler examinations






5 core years

+5 x 1-year extn




Food / catering service




Catering service and food






5 core years

+5 x 1-year extn




General waste




General waste






5 core years

+5 x 1-year extn




Laundry service




laundry service including provision of linen






5 core years

+ 5 x 1-year extn





Imaging equipment

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust is a provider of community and mental health services. The Trust does not provide imaging services.

We do not have equipment for:

  • Endoscopy
  • CT Scan
  • MRI
  • Nuclear Medicine imaging (gamma cameras)

For these we suggest you contact the local Acute Trusts, who will be better placed to assist in your query.

Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust:

North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust:

Interpretation / translation

Interpretation and translation information may be found in this spreadsheet:  Interpretation-Translation 22-23 updated.xlsx [xlsx] 36KB. Interpreting services are provided by DA Languages. The provider was contracted through the CCS RM971 Framework. The Trust does not record data in a way that allows us to breakdown the total spend or number of bookings between telephone, face to face, video, or written translation/interpretation. 

Public health funerals

The Trust does not carry out public health funerals.

Robotic process automation

The Trust does not use robotic process automation (RPA).

Rostering and job planning

Information on rostering and job planning is available via this link:   Rostering and Job Planning 17.06.24.xlsx [xlsx] 14KB

Pictured is a staff member with a headset answering a telephone call

As a patient, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Patient Advice and Liaison service  Contact the Trust