Home Treatment Team (CAMHS) - professionals leaflet

The CAMHS Home Treatment team is a community focused team that offer two treatment pathways.

Pathway 1

An alternative provision to hospital admission.

Pathway 2

Working alongside community CAMHS teams to enhance current provision at a time of increased risk / concern.

Our priorities

  • To provide intensive support for young people and their families / carers. The frequency of which will be discussed and agreed with them.
  • To provide an alternative option to hospital admission.
  • To support discharge from an inpatient service.

Criteria for referral

  • Unipolar / bipolar affective disorders
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder
  • Severe anxiety disorders / phobias
  • Psychosis
  • Dual diagnosis of mental health issues and drug / alcohol use
  • Dual diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorders / learning disabilities and mental health issues
  • Eating disorders with other complex mental health issues
  • Complex developmental trauma, emerging EUPD

Exclusion criteria for referral to HTT

  • Young person without allocated care coordinator in community CAMHS team
  • Primary diagnosis of learning disability
  • Recent history of self harm but not due to mental health
  • Primary diagnosis of substance and alcohol dependence
  • A single crisis relating solely to relationship / social issues
  • Mental health issues secondary to physical, organic, or neurological
  • Referral for parenting or behavioural issues

How can HTT help?

  • Assessment of young person and family / carers in the home environment
  • Development of joint formulation and treatment plan for the young person and family / carers
  • Developing a plan of care jointly with other relevant teams
  • Individual work with young people and family / carers
  • Group work for young people and family / carers
  • Neurodevelopmental assessments where undiagnosed neurodevelopmental disorders may be part of the presentation and barrier to services
  • Arranging network meetings
  • Risk formulation and management


Via e-mail or telephone. The team will confirm with the referrer if the referral has been accepted

Who can refer to HTT?

  • CAMHS community services
  • CAMHS Crisis Assessment Team following consultation with care co-ordinator in community CAMHS teams and an assessment within the last 24 hours
  • CAMHS inpatient services

Hours of work

A 9am-5pm Monday to Friday service (flexibility to offer later appointments based on need)

A limited duty provision is available, for those on our caseload, on weekends and bank holidays

Our team

  • Administrator
  • Team manager
  • Consultant psychiatrist
  • Clinical psychologists
  • Assistant psychologist
  • Youth intensive psychological practitioners
  • Clinical specialist practitioners
  • Senior mental health practitioners
  • Support, time and recovery workers
  • Systemic family therapist
  • Social worker
  • Teacher

What CAMHS HTT expects from you

  • Care co-ordination and RMO continues to be held within the community team (P2)
  • The young person to have been seen recently before the referral is made (within 48 hours)
  • A joint initial assessment (preferable).
  • Up-to-date documentation on S1 to include:
  • Demographic details
  • Risk assessment
  • Care plan
  • Formulations as appropriate
  • That the community teams continue to work with the young person (P2)
  • A clear reason/need for HTT to become involved.
  • To attend CPAs, or formulation discussions (P1+2)


The HTT is committed to providing the best possible care. We will therefore collect  confidential data for each young person we support to improve our service. We will always respect their privacy and confidentiality. We may ask young people to complete some feedback. We are always interested to hear about their experiences, where we can improve as well as where we have done well.

We have an Standard Operational Policy and complete an annual report.

What happens after CAMHS HTT

We will work with the young people and family/carers and their community services, to plan any ongoing needs.

If you have any questions please contact us.

CAMHS Home Treatment Team

Block 20A
Ida Darwin
CB21 5EE

T 01223 534422

E sophie.mukiibi@cpft.nhs.uk (administrator)

E helen.fretwell@cpft.nhs.uk (team manager)

Download this information

The information above is available in a printable pdf format. Clickl here to download it:  CAMHS HTT leaflet professionals 2023 Final Version.pdf 318KB

Pictured is a staff member with a headset answering a telephone call

As a patient, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Patient Advice and Liaison service  Contact the Trust