July 2023


Responses to FOIs received in July 2023

FOI Reference Number


Attachments (if applicable)

 FOI F24-166.pdf [pdf] 199KB

Products using Chitin / Chitosan


 FOI F24-168.pdf [pdf] 132KB

IT Infrastructure

Copy of FOI F24-168 July FOI.xlsx [xlsx] 25KB

 FOI F24-170.pdf [pdf] 132KB

STI Test Kits


 FOI F24-171.pdf [pdf] 128KB

Complaints in Maternity Services


 FOI F24-173.pdf [pdf] 182KB

Learning and Development Budgets


 FOI F24-174.pdf [pdf] 132KB

Social Media Management Tools


 FOI F24-175.pdf [pdf] 132KB

Agency Usage Decontamination Department


 FOI F24-176.pdf [pdf] 176KB

Agency Nursing Shifts

 F24-176 data.xlsx [xlsx] 12KB

 FOI F24-179.pdf [pdf] 135KB

Software for Finance, ERP, CRM and HR solutions

 Copy of FOI F24-179.xlsx [xlsx] 13KB

 FOI F24-180.pdf [pdf] 138KB

Babies Born with Tongue Tie


 FOI F24-182.pdf [pdf] 138KB




Longest Wait for IAPT


 FOI F24-184.pdf [pdf] 144KB

Maintenance Management Contracts


 FOI F24-187.pdf [pdf] 188KB

Child Visiting Policy

Copy of 0523LC00633 Inpatient Admissions Gender Mean Age.xlsx [xlsx] 12KB

 FOI F24-188.pdf [pdf] 139KB

Pregnancy Loss Clinics


 FOI F24-191.pdf [pdf] 138KB

Doctors Salaries


 FOI F24-192.pdf [pdf] 130KB

Respiratory Diagnostic Equipment


 FOI F24-194.pdf [pdf] 131KB

Postage Expenditure


 FOI F24-196.pdf [pdf] 135KB

Visitor Policy in response to Covid 19


 FOI F24-199.pdf [pdf] 217KB

Deaths of Patients in Mental Health Facilities


 FOI F24-206.pdf [pdf] 171KB

Discharges to No Fixed Abode


 FOI F24-207.pdf [pdf] 144KB

SLT Services for Children


 FOI F24-208.pdf [pdf] 133KB

Employment Tribunal Claims


 F24-211.pdf [pdf] 191KB

Mental Health Services for Children and Young People

Transition protocol_CAMHS_AMHS v4 ext May 2022.pdf [pdf] 172KB

 FOI F24-212.pdf [pdf] 138KB

Gender Identity Training

F24-212 training.xlsx [xlsx] 12KB

 FOI F24-213.pdf [pdf] 127KB

Alzheimer’s Disease Testing


 FOI F24-214.pdf [pdf] 132KB

Treatments for Bulimia Nervosa


 FOI F24-215.pdf [pdf] 153KB

ITSM Platform


Pictured is a staff member with a headset answering a telephone call

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