Medicines and pharmacy
The pharmacy team comprises of pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, pharmacy support workers and administrators.
To contact the team about the use of medicines in your service or for advice on medicines management or medicines optimisation please use the contact information provided on this site, further details are available on the medicines management pages on the CPFT intranet (for CPFT staff only, other medical professionals should contact the pharmacy team).
Pharmacy will provide:
- Expert advice and information including attendance at ward rounds, service user groups or drop-in clinics, medicines information resources, prescribing.
- Education and training for staff and service users.
- Inpatient medicines management pathway including medicines reconciliation, dispensing and discharge planning.
- Safe and high-quality services including prescribing guidelines, medicines policies and procedures, clinical drug trials, audit, and research into practice.
More information about the pharmacy service for patients and visitors can be found here.
Medicines information
Useful websites and links to information about medicines for patients and healthcare professionals can be found below.
Choice and Medication website
- Choice and Medication website: This website gives information for patients and healthcare professionals on about medicines prescribed for mental health problems in a variety of languages.
Medicines for mental health
Medicines for physical health
- NHS website: This website gives you general information on your condition and the medicines that are used to treat it.
- Patient.Info: This website provides a comprehensive directory of evidence-based clinical information on medical conditions and medicines.
- Medicines for children: Practical and reliable advice about giving medicine to your child
Medicines policies and guidelines
- Medicines Policies, monitoring and other prescribing guidelines are found in the documents that guide practice section on this website.
- National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) (
* Medicines management and non-medical prescribing information for staff can be found on the staff intranet.
Medicine formulary
CPFT works in collaboration with Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care System to produce a Joint Formulary, which aims to promote safe, effective, and economic prescribing in both primary and secondary care to ensure that patients and service users have access to recommended medicines.
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Joint Formulary
It provides clinical guidance on the management of a wide variety of conditions, which includes locally recommended medicine choices. Medicine formularies must be published online so that patients and service users can understand the treatments available on the NHS.
All prescribing guidelines are developed for our patient population, in line with national recommendations, and following consultation with both specialists and primary care colleagues.
- British National Formulary (BNF)
- British National Formulary for Children (BNFc)
- Manufacturer’s summaries of medicines product characteristics (SmPC) and patient information leaflets (PIL) are available on the Electronic medicines compendium (emc) (
Formulary application form:
Non-formulary medicine request form:
The Wound Care Formulary and the Urinary Continence Formulary can be found on the Cambridgeshire and Peterbourough ICS website under Local pathways and guidelines in the Medical Devices and Appliances tab Local Pathways and Guidelines | CPICS Website
Shared Care Guidelines can be found here Shared Care Guidance | CPICS Website
NICE compliance
Compliance with National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) technology appraisals
All healthcare providers are required to offer NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) approved treatments to their patients, or explain why the treatment is not currently being used.
Technology Appraisals (TA) are recommendations on the use of new and existing medicines and treatments produced by the National Institute of for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). NICE base their recommendations on a review of the clinical and economic evidence in regard to how well the treatment or medicine works in relation to how much it costs the NHS. NICE TAs will be published in the Joint Formulary.
Report adverse drug reactions
- Adverse Drug Reactions: Report adverse drug reactions to the regulatory authorities using the
- Drug Safety Updates are available on the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Authority (MHRA) website (