CPFT doctors awarded professorships at the University of Cambridge

Two consultant psychiatrists at CPFT have been appointed as clinical professors by the University of Cambridge (UoC) in the Department of Psychiatry, recognising their extensive contributions to mental health research and practice.
Dr Graham Murray (left) is one of the lead clinicians for the Trust’s CAMEO early intervention service, which has brought many groundbreaking studies to NHS clinics for people experiencing the first symptoms of psychosis. He studies the causes, brain mechanisms and treatments of mental disorder using neuroscience techniques, statistical genomics, brain imaging, and computational psychiatry. Graham has been appointed as Professor of Psychiatry and Neuroscience.
Dr Rudolf Cardinal (right) works in CPFT’s liaison psychiatry service and specialises in clinical informatics and harnessing health data, neuroscience and computational psychiatry. He established the Trust’s Research Database which has enabled hundreds of thousands of patients to take part in research with CPFT using anonymised data, and helps to develop information systems used for clinical care in CPFT. Rudolf has been appointed as Professor of Psychiatry and Informatics.
Professor Tamsin Ford, Head of the Department of Psychiatry at UoC said:
“I am delighted that Graham and Rudolf continue to progress their careers as senior academics here; both have been working with the department as clinical lecturers and associate professors and were trainees at CPFT.
Their research and teaching expertise are greatly appreciated by our team and the researchers and students they supervise.”
CPFT’s Medical Director Dr Cathy Walsh said: “Huge congratulations to both Graham and Rudolf on these academic promotions and achievements! They advance a long tradition of partnership between CPFT and the University of Cambridge and will ensure that the latest research is translated into benefits for our patients. I have worked alongside Rudolf and Graham for many years and know these professorships are well deserved, honouring their contributions to research and psychiatric knowledge and practice.”
Both Professor Murray and Professor Cardinal will remain in their CPFT roles covering clinical duties and continue with exciting research projects at the Trust, as lead investigators with the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR). Graham is a key partner on the national Mental Health Mission to improve clinical decision making and digital tools to deliver better care for early psychosis. Rudolf is co-leading the national DATAMIND project, an innovative UK data hub to improve mental health care and treatment.
- Read more about Graham’s Mental Health Mission.
- Read more about Rudolf’s DATAMIND project.