Wellbeing Discovery Programme 

Wellbeing Discovery Programme poster

Confused by the wide range of courses we offer at RCE Wellbeing Hub?

Unsure what aspect(s) of your wellbeing you want to focus on?

Not sure where to start?

Then you may be interested in our Wellbeing Discovery Programme!

What is the Wellbeing Discovery Programme?

The Wellbeing Discovery Programme is a 6-week introduction to the RCE Wellbeing Hub and our core ethos of Hope, Control and Opportunity. You will get to meet Hub trainers during a series of 5 different courses, focusing on various aspects of our wellbeing and the tools and techniques we can utilise to help us live well alongside the challenges that life can bring. As well as accessing 5 of our educational courses, during the Wellbeing Discovery Programme sessions you will get to meet and interact with other learners, giving you the opportunity to build connections through shared experiences. 

The programme can be accessed on its own or alongside other courses on our timetable.

The courses selected as part of this introductory programme will be accessible to anyone and everyone and aim to give you a good base of knowledge around your mental and physical wellbeing.

The programme will begin with a friendly welcome meeting with one of our team members, who will provide you with your Programme Workbook, Reflection Diary and begin assisting you as you construct your Individual Learning Plan. Following this you will join our 6-week programme group and join in with the various topics on offer. Following the end of the 6 weeks you will meet again with a team member, who will help you to reflect on what you have taken from your sessions and begin looking forward to what you would like to continue developing in the rest of your time with us at the Hub. 

This is a rolling programme so students can join at any point and don’t need to wait until a specific week to start. 

Click on the course titles below to find out more about the 5 courses that will be delivered during the Wellbeing Discovery Programme.


Do you ever wonder why other people seem to handle things differently to you?  

Do you wish you could bounce back from challenges more quickly?  

Resilience has become a widely used expression within mental and physical health over the past few years. We will explore the meaning of resilience; the impact it has on how we live our lives and some steps we can take to build up our own inner strength. 

Living Well with Anxiety

What is anxiety and why do we experience it?

What tools and techniques can we use to help us manage our anxiety?

Anxiety is a survival mechanism that has evolved with us over millennia to keep us safe from harm. This course is not about removing anxiety from our lives — it serves an important purpose — rather, we will explore various tools and techniques we can utilise to help us manage our anxiety so that it does not control our lives. These strategies have been contributed by people with lived and/or living experience of anxiety themselves, and there will be plenty of opportunities to explore how you can use these methods in your own day-to-day life. All of these methods are designed to help us in positively navigating anxiety whilst allowing us to reach our unique goals and potential.

Another important aspect that will be discussed is how we communicate about our experiences of anxiety to other people, and the benefit of highlighting that we can absolutely live well and thrive in life alongside this experience.

Living Well with Stress

Did you know that stress is a natural human response and that everyone experiences stress to some degree?

Do you want to learn how we can respond to stress in safe and helpful ways?

In this course, w e will be identifying what stress is, how it shows up in our bodies, minds, and behaviours, as well as the strategies and techniques that can help us not just respond to stress, but to live well with it. We’ll explore the importance of balanced habits, self-care, assertiveness, recognising our circles of control, and much more, all through the lens of the Stress Bucket Model. 

Introduction to Mindfulness

Heard a lot about mindfulness but don’t know where to start?

This session will explore the ancient practice of mindfulness and how it can be used to help us in challenging times.

We’ll suggest how we can live more in the moment by switching off our autopilot and being more present as we engage in our daily lives.

Action Planning for Wellness

What does wellness mean to you? 

How do we apply that to our lives every day?

Would you know what to do when things become more challenging?

During this practical, two-session course, you will be formulating your own set of action plans which will focus on positive steps that you can take to protect your wellbeing through life’s ups and downs.

You will first focus on what being well means to you and what you can do to maintain this every day. Then, you will take the time to devise plans around your own early warning signs of becoming unwell, and the triggers that can bring up uncomfortable experiences.

In the second session, you will concentrate on how to support yourself if things become more challenging; looking at plans which cover breaking down, crisis and your post-crisis (or recovery) journey. 

You will finish the course with a collection of helpful action plans which you can use to maintain a positive sense of wellbeing and help you make the most of each day.

As a patient

As a patient, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Patient Advice and Liaison service  Contact the Trust