Digital Resources

Parents and Carers Digital Resources 

Below is a list of websites and apps on the App Store for iOS users and the Play Store for Android users.


General Mental Wellbeing


This May Help Logo

Advice for supporting your child’s mental health | ThisMayHelp



NHS Digital Help Apps

  cpft logo

Digital help | CPFT NHS Trust



LGBT+ Support

The Kite Trust

the kite trust

Support For Families - The Kite Trust




NESSie - Self Harm Support

NESSie logo

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough parents - NESSie IN ED, CIC



ThisMayHelp - How to help someone who self-harms

This May Help logo

How to help someone who self-harms | ThisMayHelp



Eating Difficulties

Beat Eating Disorders

Beat ED logo 

Get information and support - Beat (



PED Support

ped support logo

Get the support you need | PED Support





cruse logo 



Ormiston Families Stars

OF logo

Ormiston Families Stars - Ormiston Families

Disclaimer: Please note that some of these apps may use high amounts of data and battery life. Details of free (verified) Wi-Fi in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough  can be found here. If you still need more help please return to the YOUnited home page.

As a patient

As a patient, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Patient Advice and Liaison service  Contact the Trust