Staff mental well-being at the forefront  | News

Staff mental well-being at the forefront 

World Mental Health Day 2024 was marked across the Trust yesterday (10 Oct) by encouraging staff to look after themselves as well as others.

The theme this year was workplace mental health, and a host of events were organised to give them the opportunity to reflect on what more can be done to extend the same care and compassion they offer to others to themselves.

These included sessions at the Cavell Centre in Peterborough and the Resource Centre in Fulbourn, where members of the Trust’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team met with colleagues who go above and beyond to support the physical and mental well-being of others.  

Staff were also reminded of the wide range of resources available to support them including the Staff Wellbeing Service, Staff Networks and the RCE Wellbeing Hub, which offers bitesize courses to help people to look after their own wellbeing and those around them.

Eileen Milner, Chair said: "As a community and mental health provider we are fortunate to have mental health at the forefront of our mission. We’re committed not only to supporting those in our care but also to ensuring that we, as staff, have the resources and opportunities to safeguard our own mental well-being.”

Steve Grange, Chief Executive, said: "There are many resources available, and we encouraged everyone to look at these and share them with their colleagues and teams. Recognising the importance of World Mental Health Day not only for patients, service users and their families but also for each other, will ensure we continue to break down barriers on mental health and reduce stigma."

Pictured is the event held at the Cavell Centre in Peterborough.

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