Electronic prescribing on every CPFT ward

Electronic prescribing has now been introduced at every inpatient ward run by the Trust.
EPMA – Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration – was rolled out during 2024, starting with all 17 mental health inpatient wards. Now the four physical health inpatient wards in Cambridge, Peterborough, Wisbech and Ely have been added to the system.
Cathy Walsh, Chief Medical Officer, said: “It has been a major achievement to introduce EPMA to our 21 inpatient awards over the last 12 months. More importantly, it brings a wide range of benefits for staff and patients, such as improved access to data and clearer prescriptions that will reduce administration, transcribing, and prescribing errors.”
Clare Mundell, Chief Pharmacist, added: “EPMA includes several features to assist system users and improve safety including alerts about allergies, drug-drug interactions, and duplicate therapies; work list functions to reduce missed dose administration; and access to historic prescribing to enable re-prescribing.”
For more information contact communications@cpft.nhs.uk