CPFT Covid-19 Stakeholder Update June 2020 | News

CPFT Covid-19 Stakeholder Update June 2020

CPFT Covid-19 Stakeholder Update: June 2020 

Message from Tracy Dowling, Chief Executive

Dear partners, members, friends and supporters,

It’s been a tough few months for everyone, and I couldn’t be more proud of how our staff have risen to the challenge to support our patients, carers and colleagues, whilst balancing the pressures of supporting their own families during lockdown.

I also know how difficult this time has been for those who care for loved ones with a physical and/or mental health challenge. We are continuing to work closely with the local authority, third sector and NHS partners to understand what additional support families and informal carers need. Information about looking after your own wellbeing and local carers support available can be found here.

Plans for recovery

Our main aim continues to be to protect our staff, patients and carers.

In March, following national guidance, we unfortunately had to temporarily pause some of our services. This was really important and meant that we were able to focus our resources on people affected by Covid-19 and those who needed our help the most.

We provided additional nursing support in care homes and for people shielding at home; enhanced our mental health crisis services for all ages; and increased our discharge support to enable more people to be cared for in the community, freeing up capacity in our acute hospitals.

I appreciate that this will have been tough and frustrating for some of you, but want to thank you for your patience and understanding.

We are now in a position to start reopening some of these services, and are working closely with our health and social care partners and commissioners, to ensure this happens in a safe and co-ordinated way. We will need to take a phased approach to reopening these services, to protect our patients and staff, whilst continuing to provide the additional support we have put in place to respond to the demands of Covid-19.

Over the next few weeks, as services gradually start to reopen, we will provide regular updates on our website here. Patients will be contacted directly about their appointments or any changes to their care. If you have any concerns about your, or your loved one’s care, please get in touch with your clinical team.  

We will continue to put patient and staff safety first, which means our services will need to adhere to social distancing where possible, and staff in direct contact with patients will need to wear personal protective equipment such as masks, gloves or visors etc.

We will continue to use telephone and video consultations for patient appointments where appropriate. More information about our Attend Anywhere video consultation service can be found at https://www.cpft.nhs.uk/video/

We are also considering the additional services we will need to put in place as the pandemic progresses, such as mental health support for those who have been affected by Covid-19 and isolation, and additional rehabilitation for patients who have received treatment for Covid-19 in hospital.

Our plans need to be flexible to respond to the pandemic as it changes, and we will use what we’ve learned over the last few months to inform any future decisions.

Volunteering and community support

Throughout this time there has been an amazing sense of community spirit and we’ve been overwhelmed by the support and kindness from our local community and businesses. 

Our wonderful team of volunteers has been delivering IT equipment for staff working from home, and ensuring donations from local businesses and community groups reach our patients and staff on the front line.

The Trust’s Heart and Soul volunteers have teamed up with the Ely Diocese to provide a new Heart and Soul Listening Service, available for anyone who needs someone to listen. Further information about volunteering can be found here.

We will be paying tribute to all these unsung heroes as we celebrate National Volunteers Week, this week, and thanking them for the difference they have made to our patients and staff.

Finally, I’d like to thank you for your continued support, especially at this time when we need it most. 

Best wishes,

Tracy Dowling
Chief Executive

As a patient

As a patient, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Patient Advice and Liaison service  Contact the Trust

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