Black History Month at CPFT | News

Black History Month at CPFT

Image shows line-up of group of staff

Black History Month at CPFT

Staff at CPFT held a special event to mark Black History Month at the Cavell Centre in Peterborough. Highlights included guest speakers, music, dancing, lunch, and a quiz.

The event was live streamed for the first time for those unable to attend in person. Ashton Ntuli, Service Director, Older People’s & Adult Community Services, stepped in to give a presentation about his experience as a senior leader.

Sharon Gilfoyle, Associate Director of Inclusion, talked about the Trust’s anti-racism work, there was a poetry reading from Lara Samuel, Peterborough Locality Business Support Co-ordinator and the Staff Support Hub discussed options available to colleagues who may need assistance. 

The event was sponsored by Head-to-Toe charity and Unison which brought to a close a series of events that have taken place across the trust including a formal event launch with CPFT Chief Executive Anna Hills who shared what Black History Month means to her, and her commitment to equality diversity and inclusion. 

Pictured is a staff member with a headset answering a telephone call

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