Digital Resources for Children & Young People

Digital Resources for Children & Young People

General Mental Wellbeing 


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Young Minds offer support for children and Young People. Whether they want to understand more about how they are feeling, wanting information about a mental health condition or finding support, Young Minds have guides that can help. If you need help speaking to someone, start with Young Minds ' guide to reaching out for help .'


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Online mental health and wellbeing support is available at . This NHS approved service is available for young people aged 11-18 in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. The free, safe and anonymous support includes text based chat support with professional counsellors available 365 days a year, 12pm -10pm on weekdays and 6pm-10pm at weekends. Chat support is available either as drop in or as ongoing structured support. Also available are helpful articles, self-help tools, wellbeing activities, journalling and safe moderated discussion forums to help connect with a supportive community.  Sign up is simple and takes only a few minutes and you can access help today. 


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Online wellbeing toolkit

The Centre 33 Toolkit offers children and young people information about emotions and feelings, they also have videos to help explain emotions and how a young person can deal with these emotions 

• to offer young people support with practical issues and emotional needs that is free, confidential, empowering, easy-access and high quality.


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Self-care | Anna Freud

The Anna Freud Self-Help page gives children and young people ideas and strategies on how to better cope with emotions.


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Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Children & Young People Mental Health Support

Growing up and moving into adulthood can be challenging. This can affect how you feel and impact your well-being and mental health. This site brings together reliable, up-to-date information on mental health and well-being for children and young people, parents/carers, and professionals.


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 Digital help | CPFT NHS Trust

The NHS website lists various online resources for children and young people.


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The Mix - Essential support for under 25s

The Mix is the UK’s leading support service for young people. They are here to help you take on any challenge you’re facing; from mental health to money, from homelessness to finding a job, from break-ups to drugs. The mix has an online community where you can talk to someone, as well as social media and counselling services.


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My Possible Self: The Mental Health App

My Possible Self is an NHS approved app for mental health. The app takes a holistic approach to mental health, Managing anxiety, tackling depression, easing stress and improving sleep can help you enjoy doing more of the things you love. 

Stop Breathe Think

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Stop.Breathe.Think is a mental health charity offering online counselling to those aged 8-21, who cannot afford or access support quickly. No wait times and available nationally, they provide vital support to those who need it right now. There is a video under 'are you a young person' explaining how the counselling would work


Sleep Resources 

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Ten top tips for good sleep | Mental Health Foundation

Regularly getting a good night’s sleep is crucial to ensuring we enjoy good mental health.
When we don’t get good sleep, it can contribute to various problems, including depression and anxiety. But it can sometimes feel hard to achieve amid the pressures of daily life. To help, Mental Health Foundations have come up with these top ten tips on how to get a good night’s sleep.


NHS Sleep and Tiredness

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Sleep and tiredness - NHS (

The NHS website has self help tips and videos to help with sleep. There is also information on why you might feel tired and advice about what you can do to prevent tiredness.


 LGBTQ+ Support

The Kite Trust

the kite trust

For Young People - The Kite Trust

The Kite Trust provide free one-to-one support to LGBTQ+ young people (aged 30 or under) in Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and surrounding areas. their one-to-one support can be accessed both face-to-face, over the phone, by text or via a video call platform. They aim to make Their services as accessible, friendly, and as flexible as possible.

The Kite Trust run social groups for LGBTQ+ young people throughout Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. They are completely free to attend: if you are aged 30 and under and if you’re LGBTQ+ (or questioning your gender or sexuality).

Gendered Intelligence

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Gendered Intelligence is a trans-led and trans-involving charity that works to increase understandings of gender diversity and improve the lives of trans people. They deliver a range of direct services, projects and activities to trans, non-binary, and gender questioning people, as well as a range of education, training and consultancy to organisations and individuals who are working to better their inclusive practices.


 Self Harm

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LifeSIGNS – the user-led self-injury small charity

LifeSIGNS (Self-Injury Guidance & Network Support) is an online, user-led charitable organisation, founded in 2002 to create understanding about self-injury and provide information and support to people of all ages affected by self-injury across the UK. They offer ways of helping yourself, ways of supporting others, and include a section on men and offering support to men who may have or are thinking about self injury

alumina self harm support

Alumina is a free, online 7 week course for young people struggling with self-harm. Each course has up to 14 young people, all accessing the sessions from their own phones, tablets or laptops across the UK. The courses take place on different evenings of the week and are run by friendly, trained counsellors and volunteer youth workers. You don’t need an adult to refer you or sign you up, and no-one will see or hear you during the sessions – you’ll just join in via the chatbox. They want to help you to find your next steps towards recovery, wherever you are on your journey.

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Home - Calm Harm App

Calm Harm is an award-winning app funded by teenage mental health charity stem4, to help manage the urge to self-harm. It was developed by Clinical Psychologist Dr. Nihara Krause MBE, in collaboration with young people and uses principles from an evidence-based psychological treatment called Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT).


Eating Difficulties 

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Get information and support - Beat (

Eating disorders are complex mental illnesses. Anyone, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity or background, can develop one. Learn about different diagnoses and signs to look out for in yourself or someone you know.

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Get the support you need | PED Support

PEDS offers services for those with Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating Disorder (where the individual does not meet the criteria for the local NHS secondary care eating disorder team- adult or children and young people -CAMHS) or those at risk of these eating disorders, experiencing symptoms which affect quality of life.



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Cruse help people through one of the most painful times in life – with bereavement support, information and campaigning.

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Ormiston Families Stars

Stars is a children’s bereavement support service for young people finding it difficult to cope with the loss of someone significant in their life.
It offers specialist bereavement support and counselling to those aged 4-19 in Cambridgeshire.

 Sexual Health

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Dhiverse | Sexual Health Matters | Cambridgeshire and Peterbourough

Their mission is to provide high quality sexual health and HIV support, education and information for all. They are inclusive, caring, non-judgmental and committed to upholding our organization’s values. Through service user involvement, campaigns and collaboration they challenge stigma, prejudice and inequalities.


Stopping / Reducing Drug Use 


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Honest information about drugs | FRANK

This page has information about different drugs and their affects and dangers.


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Change Grow Live | Charity | We can help you change your life

If there’s something you’re worried about or you just want to talk, then the Change Grow Live team are here to help you. They know it can be hard to speak to someone and you might feel nervous, but everything's confidential and they won't judge. 

Pictured is a staff member with a headset answering a telephone call

As a patient, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Patient Advice and Liaison service  Contact the Trust