Board of Directors

Led by a Non-Executive Chair, the CPFT Board of Directors is made up of a Trust Chair, Deputy Trust Chair/Senior Independent Director, five Non-Executive Directors, two Associate Non-Executive Directors, the Chief Executive Officer and six Executive Directors.
The Board is a unitary board responsible for ensuring that CPFT is accountable to the public for the services it manages. 
You can view information on each Executive Director portfolio here:  Executive Director portfolios 
Details of all Trust Board Meetings are available to the right hand side of this page, along with copies of the Trust’s Constitution and Register of Interests.
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Steve Cox, Associate Non-Executive Director

image of Steve Cox

Associate NED Committee Member to the Audit and Assurance Committee
Associate NED Committee Member Business and Performance Committee.

Steve Cox has vast experience in the public sector and local government across London and the East of England.
After graduating with degrees in Town Planning and Economics and Planning, Steve worked across London Boroughs before joining Hertfordshire County Council in 1997, as key sites development manager.

In 2000 he joined the East of England Development Agency (EEDA), becoming a Executive Director responsible for Strategy, Development and Business in 2004.

Steve moved to become Corporate Director, Place at Thurrock Council to support the Council’s improvement work in 2011 and responsibility for leading England’s highest rated planning service, drawing down £150m of Government growth funding and delivering a £500m capital programme. He also took on a shared service role as Director of Growth at LB Barking & Dagenham.

In 2019, Steve was appointed Executive Director for Place & Economy for both Peterborough City Council and Cambridgeshire County Council, with responsibilities across both Councils that included Highways, Planning, Housing, Environmental Services, Climate Change and Regeneration. From April 2023 he worked as the Interim Director for Place & Connectivity at the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority, leaving in March 2024.
Steve has also served as a NED on numerous regeneration and housing companies, including Cambridgeshire Horizons, Harlow Renaissance, Thurrock Regeneration Ltd and ARU Peterborough, and is a long standing Member of Multi Academy Trust in East Hertfordshire.

Steve joined CPFT as an Associate Non-Executive Director in May 2024.

Pictured is a staff member with a headset answering a telephone call

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