Board of Directors
Led by a Non-Executive Chair, the CPFT Board of Directors is made up of a Trust Chair, Deputy Trust Chair/Senior Independent Director, five Non-Executive Directors, two Associate Non-Executive Directors, the Chief Executive Officer and six Executive Directors.
The Board is a unitary board responsible for ensuring that CPFT is accountable to the public for the services it manages.
You can view information on each Executive Director portfolio here: Executive Director portfolios
Details of all Trust Board Meetings are available to the right hand side of this page, along with copies of the Trust’s Constitution and Register of Interests.
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Professor Ed Bullmore, Non-Executive Director

Co-Chair for the Charitable Funds Management Committee
NED Committee Member to the Audit and Assurance Committee
NED Committee Member for the Quality and Safety Committee
As CPFT’s Research and Development Director, Ed took over from Peter Jones as Advisory Non-Executive Director on 1 October 2021.
Awarded one of 55 Emeritus Senior Investigator accolades across England, Ed is recognised for his support in leadership of ground-breaking research to improve mental health, working with CPFT staff and patients, regional, national and international partners.