Board of Directors

Led by a Non-Executive Chair, the CPFT Board of Directors is made up of a Trust Chair, Deputy Trust Chair/Senior Independent Director, five Non-Executive Directors, two Associate Non-Executive Directors, the Chief Executive Officer and six Executive Directors.
The Board is a unitary board responsible for ensuring that CPFT is accountable to the public for the services it manages. 
You can view information on each Executive Director portfolio here:  Executive Director portfolios 
Details of all Trust Board Meetings are available to the right hand side of this page, along with copies of the Trust’s Constitution and Register of Interests.
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Lauren Gable, Chief Finance Officer

Image of Lauren Gable

Lead Executive Director for the Audit and Assurance Committee.
Lead Executive Director for the Business and Performance Committee.
Executive Committee Member for the Charitable Funds Management Committee.

Lauren Gable is a Charted Management Accountant with extensive experience in NHS finance across specialist, acute, mental health and community providers.

She has worked largely in London and the South East, including as Director of Commercial & Contracting for King’s College Hospital NHS FT, where she led on strategic partnership work from the South East London Pathology Partnership to international ventures in Jeddah and Abuja. Most recently, Lauren has been at Essex Partnership University NHS FT as Director of Finance – Commercial, leading on the development of a Mental Health Urgent Care Department and driving an extensive programme of refurbishment and improvements to wards, to enhance the therapeutic environment for patients.

She has a Bachelor of Laws (Hons), and worked in the private sector as a lawyer, before joining the NHS through the National Graduate Management Training Scheme. Lauren has a passion for staff development, and is a coach and a mentor.

Pictured is a staff member with a headset answering a telephone call

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