Board of Directors

Led by a Non-Executive Chair, the CPFT Board of Directors is made up of a Trust Chair, Deputy Trust Chair/Senior Independent Director, five Non-Executive Directors, two Associate Non-Executive Directors, the Chief Executive Officer and six Executive Directors.
The Board is a unitary board responsible for ensuring that CPFT is accountable to the public for the services it manages. 
You can view information on each Executive Director portfolio here:  Executive Director portfolios 
Details of all Trust Board Meetings are available to the right hand side of this page, along with copies of the Trust’s Constitution and Register of Interests.
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Jacquie McGeachie, Associate Non-Executive Director

image of Jacquie McGeachie

Co-Chair for the Charitable Funds Management Committee.
NED Committee Member Business and Performance Committee.
NED Committee Member to the People and Culture Committee.

With a long-standing career in Human Resources and experience in local government, Jacquie brings to the board a wealth of experience in leadership, development and implementation. Jacquie values and continues to learn from the passion and influence of internal network groups, advocating inclusiveness to the co-production of the people and culture plan. 

Pictured is a staff member with a headset answering a telephone call

As a patient, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Patient Advice and Liaison service  Contact the Trust