Springbank ward: Supporting women with personality disorders

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Springbank Ward
Supporting women with personality disorders
Springbank is a 12-bed in-patient recovery unit for women with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder (BPD) who are struggling to cope with the demands of life outside of hospital, despite the input from community psychiatric services.
Our ward provides an environment that offers 24-hour support with a strong recovery focus. Our aim is to help people improve their resilience against stress and their quality of life. We do this by teaching important skills, such as mindfulness, and offering evidence-based therapies such as Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT).
Occupational Therapy
At Springbank ward we offer you an individualised formulation of your occupational needs on admission. By exploring your values, identity, and meaningful activity we support you to identify and overcome any barriers you’re facing to engaging in activities that bring value and purpose to your daily life. We do this using a number of different strategies such as individual therapy and group therapy sessions.
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Referrals at Springbank
Springbank will accept referrals for women between the ages of 18 and 65 years who:
- Have a primary diagnosis of emotionally unstable personality disorder (ICD-10 F60.3).
- Are under the care of a psychiatric community team with an identified care coordinator and a responsible clinician. The responsible clinician may not be the care co-ordinator. The patient will remain under the community team whilst being an inpatient at Springbank.
- Have tried but failed to benefit from general acute and community psychiatric services.
- Are willing to be assessed for admission by the staff at Springbank ward.
- Have a permanent place of residence.
- Are able to identify goals they would like to work on whilst being an in-patient.
- Referrals are accepted for women, informal or detained under the Mental Health Act, from acute mental health staff, acute medical services, forensic or prison services, community and other NHS and private mental health providers.
The unit is unable to take service users who:
- Pose a significant risk of harm to others
- Require management in a low or medium secure unit
- Are unwilling to engage with the therapeutic programme
If we feel that the patient would benefit from an admission, she will be invited to visit the ward. This is important to allow the patient to make an informed decision as to whether coming to Springbank is something they would be interested in. It is also part of the planning process to ensure a smooth transition into the ward.
What to expect on admission:
- An admission date will be set following the patient’s visit.
- The patient’s care coordinator will need to forward up-to-date CPA and risk assessment documentation prior to transfer to the ward. Until these documents are received, Springbank will not be able to accept the transfer of the patient.
- Throughout the patient’s admission, we expect regular visits from the referring team. It is a requirement that the patient retains an active, named care coordinator in the community with whom the ward and patient can liaise and communicate with regarding progress. This includes management of periods of leave within the community with support from community staff, arrangements for travel to and from the home area, and general support by the community team during periods of leave.
- Springbank Ward will work closely with the referring team throughout the care planning process and will start to discuss discharge planning as soon as the person is admitted to the ward.
Referring a Patient
Please complete the referral form attached at the bottom of the page under further information tab and send it to SpringbankReferrals@cpft.nhs.uk alongside any other relevant documentation such as CPA documentation, care plans, risk assessments, and discharge summaries.
- Please complete the funding agreement form attached at the bottom of the page under further information tab and forward to cpftcontractsteampriorapproval@cpft.nhs,uk or cpm-tr.contractsteampriorapproval@nhs.net
- Once the forms above have been completed, please call us on 01223 219484 to arrange an assessment date. The patient will normally be assessed by the Consultant on the ward and a member of the nursing team.
Information for carers
A carer is anyone, including children and adults who looks after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without their support. The care they give is unpaid.
At Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust, we value the often life-long support carers provide and recognise them as equal care partners. We want to offer as much guidance and reassurance as possible, to help you in your caring role. You can find general information and support for adult carers, young carers and parent carers by following this link.