Online appointments
Video calls and appointments using Attend Anywhere
We offer online video calls and appointments as an alternative to face-to-face appointments where this is felt appropriate by the service user.
Our stories
Rebecca Gray — director of the NHS Confederation’s Mental Health Network — has been welcomed to Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust. Rebecca, who was recently ...
Antibiotics, antivirals, vaccinations and anti-inflammatory medication are associated with reduced risk of dementia, according to new research with CPFT that looked at health data from over 130 millio...
With their blend of R‘n’B, pop and rock, The Eye certainly know how to entertain a crowd. And they also know how to raise money for Head to Toe, the official charity of Cambridgeshire and...
CPFT’s first honorary nurse consultant in palliative care, Dr Ben Bowers, has been awarded a Fellowship of the Queen's Nursing Institute at their annual awards...